Where Are Albuquerque Speed Cameras & How Much Are Fines?

Albuquerque Speed Camera

What are the fines, and how much do they cost?

The fee is $100 and can be paid by cheque, money order, or credit card. According to the website's sample citation, there is a $6.95 cost for online and telephone payments.

What if I'm unable to pay?

Instead, you can perform four hours of community service.

What happens if I don't follow my citation?

Debt collection will be enforced by the city. While automated traffic citations do not appear on your credit report, they will be sent to collections.

Where are they?

See our Albuquerque, New Mexico Traffic, Red Light Camera & Speed Cameras Map   

In addition to the two cameras on Gibson and one on Montgomery, the city plans to install three more cameras. Next up are Lead, Coal, and Unser, though the exact places have yet to be established, according to a municipal spokesperson. The placement of seven fixed (like Gibson) and three mobile (like Montgomery) units is based on traffic and crash statistics as well as community feedback.

For almost a month, the city of Albuquerque has been issuing speeding tickets to drivers caught speeding on the eastbound and westbound Gibson at Carlisle, as well as the eastbound Montgomery between Wyoming and Eubank.

Who are they photographing?

Only speeding vehicles are allowed - no other vehicles are allowed. "The units do not gather information about photos of passing vehicles that are not above the enforcement speed," according to a frequently-asked-questions page on the city website, cabq.gov.

Is my insurance or driver's license affected by the ticket?

No. It's a civil penalty.

There are a number of cautionary statements.

Between April 25 and May 19, the cameras issued almost 2,000 warnings to cars that blew by them, according to the Albuquerque Police Department.

However, this does not imply that only 2,000 drivers were detected speeding.

Indeed, according to APD, all 917,036 vehicles that passed through the three enforcement areas had posted 40 mph speed limits:

• 756,013, 82%, were going 1 mph or more over the posted limit,

• 187,849, 21%, were going 11 mph or more over the posted limit, and

• 32 were going 60 mph or more over the posted limit – meaning 100 mph or faster.

APD evaluated and sent 2,192 warnings to registered vehicle owners, as well as a random sampling of the most egregious violators (the 100 mph or over folks).

The Automated Speed Enforcement system will begin issuing penalties and warnings for lower-level speeders on Wednesday.

The cameras, according to APD officials, are a force multiplier, which means police are freed up to handle traffic enforcement in other locations while focusing on violent crime. Officers wrote 3,590 traffic penalties in the same one-month period, according to APD, including 876 for speeding and 17 for racing.