When it comes to the safety of your family,
you should not compromise on their protection. To best help you protect your
loved ones, we've compiled a list of eight tips to make the task significantly
easier for you.
Tip 1: Avoid a Wired Security System
Naturally, any security system is better than
no security system. Having stated that, a wired setup is not in the best
interest of your family's safety.
Landline service is required for a wired
system to even work in the first place. That fact alone introduces the most
problematic element: if the phone lines are cut, the wired system will be
rendered inoperable. This begs the question: What does one do if a wired system
will not satisfy the security needs of your home?
Tip 2: Seek a Wireless Security System
A wireless security system relies on an
internet connection. There is often a backup component that runs in the event
of a power outage, that would safeguard your home should a thief broke into it.
Best of all, wireless systems are easy to set
up, do not rely on existing wiring to function and are free from the same
vulnerabilities of a wired system.
Tip 3: Find a Smart Home Security System
Once you've opened yourself to the idea of a
wireless security system, we recommend investing in a smart home system, such
as ADEVA security systems. What ADEVA
offers is a wireless security system that encompasses smoke alarms, contact
sensors for both doors and windows, security camera surveillance you can view
with a phone application, a remote arming system and smart technology to lock
and unlock the doors in the house.
The service provides 24/7 monitoring, meaning
if someone breaks into the residence, both you and a monitoring specialist will
know immediately. They will be able to contact the appropriate authorities on
your behalf, making this service more than mere security: it's an investment in
your family's safety.
Tip 4: Make Your Home Visible and Appear Occupied
The Australian Institute of Criminology conducted a study where
they spoke with almost a thousand police detainees. The focus of this study
was to expose the reasons that a thief might target a home.
One of the common threads from the interviews
pertained to how inactive homes appeared. Dead giveaways for the criminals
included a lack of lights left on in the home during the later hours of the
day, no vehicles in the driveway, and mailboxes filled to the brim with letters.
If the home appears vacant, that signals to the thief a reduced risk in
encountering the homeowner.
The prescription for this problem is to keep
your lights on during the evening hours, keep a car parked in your driveway and
retrieve the mail out of your mailbox to prevent any potential problems.
Tip 5: Keep Valuables Hidden
There exists a cliche adage: Out of sight, out
of mind. When it comes to a thief targeting your residence, this saying really
does apply. Do not have anything valuable on open display that would attract a
criminal's attention.
Value is not limited to jewelry or electronic equipment:
fancy cars apply too. By keeping these things out of the public display, you can
prevent yourself from attracting the wrong type of attention that would target your
Tip 6: Lock Both Doors and Windows
This tip may seem obvious, but it really is
important to consider. Of the participants in the study, we'd mentioned earlier
in the article, 70% of the participants identified unlocked doors and windows
to be one of the most common mistakes homeowners made that made their residence
an easy venue for a robbery.
One of the most powerful deterrents in keeping
a thief away is to have a dog that is alert when strangers are lurking about
your property. 61.4% of the participants cited a barking dog as a deterrent for
going through with the robbery.
By having both you and your family adhere to
these tips, you can better protect your residence. The best preventative
measure is the security you choose to invest in at the end of the day.