Orange has signed a partnership with Wikango to allow give Orange Maps users speed camera alerts in real time. Wikango is the European leader of warning radar applications and devices. Wireless carrier Orange of France has teamed up to offer alerts in real-time on Orange GPS Navigation Maps. The alert service with mobile radar Wikango is available to all Mobile Orange customers for 5€ / month . The application is preinstalled on most mobile GPS Orange Box, and is available for download on Store applications (App Store, App Shop Orange Market) or directly Read more on the press release here. Wikango competes with Coyote Systems of UK who is the other larger provider of data in Europe.
Orange France Gets Wikango Real Time Speed Camera Alerts
Orange has signed a partnership with Wikango to allow give Orange Maps users speed camera alerts in real time. Wikango is the European leader of warning radar applications and devices. Wireless carrier Orange of France has teamed up to offer alerts in real-time on Orange GPS Navigation Maps. The alert service with mobile radar Wikango is available to all Mobile Orange customers for 5€ / month . The application is preinstalled on most mobile GPS Orange Box, and is available for download on Store applications (App Store, App Shop Orange Market) or directly Read more on the press release here. Wikango competes with Coyote Systems of UK who is the other larger provider of data in Europe.