The two largest red-light camera operators Verra Mobility (Formerly ATS )and Redflex will likely do more than $200M in revenue in 2010 just in the U.S. This could be a very light estimate based on the lack of transparency on the number of cameras in operation. I know for a fact the information they provide on their web sites is out of date.
Here is how we calculated it: Redflex charges $4,396 per month and American Traffic Solutions (ATS) charges $4,750 per month per camera according to many news articles around the U.S. Multiple the amount of revenue per camera per month and you come up with an estimate of what the company will do in revenue in 2010. Based on our calculations ATS likely has more than 2,000 cameras in operation and therefore will likely do about $108M in revenue in 2010 and Redflex has reportedly more than 1,700 cameras in operation and therefore will do around $89M according to our estimates.
Other companies like Red Speed charge $1,499 per month per camera according to news articles.