Singapore Traffic Police Keep Speed Camera Locations Confidential

The Singapore Traffic Police will be increasing penalties for specific offences in the latter part of the year due to growing concerns over the high number of speeding violations. Over 800 new offences were recorded in the first three weeks of April following the activation of speed enforcement on select red-light cameras. Although there are approximately 250 red-light cameras spread across the island, authorities have chosen not to disclose which ones have had their speed enforcement function activated or their exact locations. The number of speeding-related fatal accidents in 2023 rose by more than 80% compared to the previous year.

Singapore Does Not Release Active Speed Camera Locations

In Singapore, staying mindful of speed limits is crucial for road safety. With the aim of curbing speeding violations and enhancing road safety, the Singapore Traffic Police have implemented a strategic move—keeping the locations of speed cameras confidential.

The decision to withhold the exact locations of these speed cameras comes in response to the alarming increase in speeding-related accidents and violations across the island. By maintaining an air of mystery around the locations, authorities hope to encourage drivers to adhere to speed limits consistently, rather than slowing down only in known camera zones.

The Impact of Speeding

Speeding remains a significant factor contributing to road accidents worldwide. In Singapore, the statistics are no less concerning. The number of speeding-related fatal accidents in 2023 surged by over 80% compared to the previous year. This statistic underscores the urgent need for effective measures to deter speeding and promote safer driving habits.

The Activation of Speed Enforcement

Recently, more than 800 new speeding violations were captured within just three weeks of activating the speed enforcement function on select red-light cameras in April. This swift increase in violations highlights the prevalence of speeding on Singapore's roads and the necessity for proactive enforcement measures.

Why Keep Locations Confidential?

The decision not to disclose the exact locations of speed cameras is a strategic move aimed at promoting consistent adherence to speed limits. When drivers are unsure of where these cameras are placed, they are more likely to maintain safe speeds throughout their entire journey, rather than simply slowing down near known camera locations.

Furthermore, by maintaining confidentiality about camera locations, the Traffic Police can strategically deploy resources and enforcement efforts based on real-time data and analysis. This adaptive approach allows for a more dynamic and effective management of road safety.

Embracing Responsible Driving

Ultimately, the goal of keeping speed camera locations confidential is to encourage responsible driving behavior among all road users. By fostering a culture of compliance with speed limits and traffic regulations, Singapore aims to create safer and more enjoyable road experiences for everyone.


While some drivers may find the secrecy around speed camera locations challenging, it serves as a proactive step towards enhancing road safety. By prioritizing responsible driving and enforcing speed limits effectively, Singapore is committed to reducing road accidents and creating a safer environment for all road users.

Remember, road safety is everyone's responsibility. Stay informed, drive responsibly, and prioritize safety on Singapore's roads.