Is Essay Writing That Bad? 5 Tips to Change Your Perspective

Many students are busy with work, extracurricular activities, and other responsibilities, leaving them with limited time to complete their assignments. As a result, they choose to use academic writing services to save time and lessen their workload.

However, it’s not always about time. Some students lack confidence in their writing abilities and may feel more comfortable using paper writer services to ensure that their work is of high quality. Others feel pressure to achieve good grades, so they use such services to improve their chances of getting an A.

Finally, one may find certain topics to be particularly challenging or confusing, so they look for assistance. Yet, however tempting the desire to address a professional may be, try to complete your essays using the 5 tips below. There is a high chance you will change your mind and love this type of assignment!

Take Your Time but Hurry Up

If you approach essay writing correctly, it means that you: 

       do not try to complete it overnight

       focus on the ideas that give you many (relevant) points to explore

       create an outline (ideally, confirm it with your teacher)

       put your drafts away for some time to critically assess the text later

       edit and revise them 

To be able to do all of this, you need time. So, first of all, fight procrastination. It is one of the biggest enemies of successful essay writing (and everything else in our lives). Start your essay as early as possible so that you have plenty of time to research, plan, and write it. 

That way, there is less stress and more room for thinking and focusing on quality instead of trying to meet the word count.

Ask Questions

First of all, it improves your ability to find the answers you look for when researching the topic. Learning to ask the right questions helps your brain to focus on the specifics of the essay, get rid of useless information, and, basically, think. Mindless writing to meet the word count is not that rare among students. 

So, consider asking yourself the following: 

       What is the main argument of my essay?

       Is there evidence to support the thesis?

       Are there any contradictions among scholars?

       Is this information relevant to my topic?

       Did I say it earlier?

       Are there any logical gaps in my statements?

The tip also presupposes that you ask your teacher about unclear points. Make sure you understand the assignment and what is expected of you. The more details you know, the more chance you will find the subtopic you would easily dwell on and won’t have to rewrite your essay several times. Also, developing a habit of clarifying instructions beforehand improves your communication skills.

Do Read the Background Material

Before starting writing, research the topic using reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and studies. Websites are also suitable if they provide information from credible companies and scholars. 

In order to avoid referencing gaps and issues, cite the information instantly. This will not only simplify the writing process but also help you become more attentive and disciplined. At the moment of writing, this will definitely be boring, but in the end, you’ll notice the benefits. 

Besides, knowing the topic from different angles is helpful when writing a voluminous essay. If you have little to no information about the topic, you will probably add a lot of repetitive and general statements to meet the word count. Yet, believe us, getting acquainted with the theoretical material takes much less time than making revisions over and over again in agony because of a looming deadline. 

When it comes to essays on literature, reading the original text is especially important. It’s hard to be passionate about writing about a book you have never read. Looking up a matter-of-fact rundown on Wikipedia can be barely exciting, and watching a movie version is a totally bad idea. You must be aware of how distorted written stories become when it comes to screenplays. 

If your curriculum is built in a way that lets you know the essay topic and questions before reading the literature, use this opportunity. That way, you will know what points to focus on and what information to write down or take notes about.

Imagine What You Would Be Interested in Reading About

Essays and other papers are not widely considered entertaining. Yet, writing about a topic that you are interested in can make the writing process more enjoyable. If there is a range of topics to choose from, make sure you get the list as early as possible to pick the best one. And if there are strict requirements, try to dig deeper into the matter. The key is to find the intersection of what excites you and what your teacher wants from you.

Ask Classmates for Help

Sometimes, reading and rereading material is not helpful and makes you even more confused. So, ask for help from your friends or classmates who dig into the topic. 

Explanation of some complex moments in simple words and without too many extra details may help you understand the core of the problem. This is called peer teaching, which is useful for both parties. That’s why most students will gladly help you.

Final Word

To sum up, essay writing can be challenging and time-consuming, but it is not necessarily "bad." In fact, it can be a valuable and rewarding experience that helps you develop critical thinking, research, and writing skills. It also allows you to explore new ideas and perspectives as well as express your own thoughts and opinions in a structured and persuasive way. 

While the process of writing an essay can be daunting, there are many strategies and resources available to help you succeed, such as brainstorming techniques, outlining, time management skills, and so on. 

In this article, we’ve shared the core tips that will help you change your perspective on essay writing. So, make sure you follow them. In combination with practice and patience, they will make writing essays an enjoyable experience!