Way to Generate Essay Ideas

idea light bulb

Any good writing requires good ideas, concepts, and facts with clear analysis which should be properly arranged. Good essays do not just pop out of the blue but behind every nice essay, there are series of processes that were passed through. Generally, essay ideas come from the culmination of research, written notes, outline, and rough drafts.

The first step before even thinking of an essay idea is to come up with a great topic. If you are confused and do not know what to write, then you can easily go with a general topic. After you must have gotten a topic, then you can think of how to generate ideas concerning that topic. One of the ways that would help is to answer the question you desire to be answered. This is the first way on how to generate an essay idea. 

1.   Have an answer, for the unanswered question: The best and easiest way to come up with an idea is to consider what the question is that you would like to see answered. Most scholars make the mistake of thinking this as being difficult because they feel that they are going to come up with a question no other person has asked and have to give an answer to it. But this is entirely wrong because you are not in competition with anyone, what you are trying to do is “finding your own personal stand and idea about an already discussed issue. 

Let me come up with a simple and straightforward process, have you thought of writing on an area you find not interesting or irritates you, they should spring up doubts in you about a particular fact or process, making you more curious on how and why it is said to be so this generally leads you to have a careful insight on the subject matter and carefully present your own analysis.     

2.   Free Writing: From the word, freewriting means to simply put down whatever comes to your mind, but in this case, it is recommended to write and make it in a more disciplined way.  Focus on an area of interest. It should be around your subject or field of study that you intend to write an essay on. When you start freewriting, you would be surprised at the number of thoughts that you have on the subject and the amount of knowledge you have gathered. Freewriting also aids one's writing to be more and more focused, this means you narrow down on the specific topic idea of your essay and while you free-write some of your ideas would be relevant and will fall directly into your essay. If you do not know how to start freewriting or you need guidance on it then you can visit https://www.wiseessays.com/essay-writing-help  for professional tutorship and advanced lessons on any type of writing. 

3.    Make use of different brainstorming techniques: There are lots of brainstorming techniques that can help you come up with ideas for anything and one of these might just be what you need for your essay. Some of these brainstorming technique includes: 

4. Essay writing involves doing extensive research and writing with zero plagiarism. It can be time-consuming if you sit to do it from scratch. If you're finding it hard to complete your essays, writemyessays will help you with it. They deliver high-quality reports adhering to your requirements. You can specify your essay topic and get your essays written by subject matter experts within the deadline. 

5. Someone else's perspective: When it comes to problem-solving especially in a matter that is broad, then this is one of the best approaches to be used. You look at an issue from a time before. Like some years back or view it as someone from another location. It is easy, this might translate to typically thinking of an approach a friend would take towards the subject matter it can help you come up with a different perspective or idea on your essay topic. 

6. Make use of an abstract Noun: An abstract noun is one that denotes an idea, quality or state other than a concrete object. Examples of abstract nouns include truth, danger, happiness, anger, patience, etc. abstract nouns are best used in creative essays such as literature in art. The idea is to think of how these abstract nouns such as happiness, love, purity may apply to your subject matter. 

7. Tell your life story: Sometimes a particular topic you wish to write on can be related to your own personal experiences and if yes then you just got yourself a plethora of ideas from personal experience. Something you know how to do and understand can be a great topic for a process essay because you already have a foresight knowledge of what it involves and all you need to do is just tell them to your readers not forgetting to make it exciting and interesting. Another interesting thing is that when writing a personal story, you will write much quickly because you could visualize the whole experience remembering it as it happened and you then put a pen on paper to tell your story. 

8. A general topic can serve as a last resort: If you are desperate and haven’t come up with a brilliant idea on an essay you are given. It doesn’t still mean you cannot write a good paper. There are plenty of essays that are written by students even though they are not really excited about the topic they have chosen. You can choose a general topic, gather your facts and research and write it based on how you feel, or your view concerning that topic of course there would be lots of materials and information concerning it since it is a general topic.