Chicago Red Light Camera Revenue & Locations Summary

Red light cameras in Chicago are operating in at 84 communities across the city in Illinois. In some towns, traffic fines are now making up a large portion of revenue.  Data compiled by the Illinois Policy Institute reveals the top 10 towns raking it in when you roll through the red.

1. Chicago: $719,709,862.61 since 2008. 309 cameras currently operational
2. Berywn: $19,295,681.12 since 2009. 2 cameras currently operational
3. Lakemoor: $19,265,169.70 since 2012. 3 cameras currently operational
4. Country Club Hills: $16,530,455.18 since 2009. 7 cameras currently operational
5. North Riverside: $16,003,864.38 since 2014. 3 cameras currently operational
6. Aurora: $13,139,200.68 since 2010. 9 cameras currently operational.
7. Crestwood: $13,085,742.32 since 2016. 8 cameras currently operational.
8. Hillside: $12,138,530.97 since 2010. 5 cameras currently operational.
9. Burbank: $10,958,681.32 since 2014. 5 cameras currently operational.
10. Gurnee: $10,823,643.36 since 2009. 15 cameras currently operational.

Where does this money go and how is it used?  Comments appreciated below.