Do All Red Light Camera Intersections Have Warning Signs?

Every Camera Enforced Intersection DOES NOT Have Warning Signs 

The California Vehicle Code only requires that warning signs be posted to notify drivers of camera enforced intersections and that these signs be posted either at all approaches to the intersection or at all main entrances into a city including (freeways, bridges, and state highway routes).

Have you ever wondered why there are photo enforced warning signs for red light cameras at some intersections but not all them? The vehicle code VC§ 21455.5 says (a) (1), “Warning signs must be posted at each camera-equipped intersection and visible to traffic approaching from all directions, or at all the main entrances to town including, at a minimum, freeways, bridges, and state highway routes." The purpose of this law is to make sure that drivers are warned in all instances where there is red light camera enforcement.

Many times you will see warning signs posted right next to the traffic signal light, however not always. Sometimes warning signs might even be posted at the previous, non- camera enforced intersection which can be misleading or cause confusion. So while a City may not be in violation of the Vehicle Code requirements if they don’t have warning signs placed at the intersection (since they have a choice in the placement), if any signs you do find are blocked or damaged in a such a way you can’t see them, then you may have something that can help you in getting your ticket dismissed because warning signs do have to be reasonably visible. Be sure to take pictures of the signs to show they are not visible and take them to court with you or include them with your Trial by Written Declaration if you choose to fight your ticket in writing using form TR-205 (available at your local courthouse).

Contributed by ticketbust, helping drivers contest and dismiss their traffic tickets.