
New York City Will Quadruple Red Light Cameras From 150 to 600

Hundreds more red light cameras are coming to a New York City intersection near you. Lawmakers in Albany have given the green light to quadruple the number of red light cameras at intersections across the city. This means that soon, 5 percent of the city's intersections will be equipped with these cameras, a significant increase from the current 1 percent.

The Expansion Plan

The newly approved legislation will see the number of red light cameras in New York City increase from 150 to an impressive 600. By strategically placing these cameras at critical intersections, the city aims to significantly deter red light running and improve compliance with traffic signals.

Proven Impact on Road Safety

Significant Reduction in Violations

Since the introduction of the red light camera program three years ago, instances of running red lights have decreased by more than 70 percent. "Since the introduction of the program 3 years ago, running through red lights has decreased by more than 70 percent," said State Senator Andrew Gounardes. "And so we know that it is a proven way to stop people from breaking the traffic law and running red lights."

Reducing Accidents and Injuries

Since 2020, at least 1,183 people have been killed in car accidents in New York City, with nearly 216,000 injured. Supporters of the red light camera expansion argue that these cameras play a crucial role in making the city's streets safer for everyone. The data clearly shows that intersections equipped with red light cameras have seen fewer crashes, benefiting drivers and pedestrians alike.

Addressing Criticisms and Concerns

Illegal Plate Covers and Ghost Cars

Critics argue that the city needs to address issues such as illegal plate covers and ghost cars, which can undermine the effectiveness of red light cameras. "Anything that's just a camera-based program is just a money grab, because at the end of the day, these camera violations don't lead to points on licenses, and points on licenses is what really leads to changes in behavior law," said City Councilmember David Carr.

Proven Effectiveness

However, the Department of Transportation and safety advocates maintain that red light cameras work. They emphasize that drivers who run red lights often cause serious injuries or fatalities. Alexa Sledge of Transportation Alternatives highlighted the safety benefits: "We know the intersections where we've put in red light cameras. There have been fewer crashes for other people in cars. It's safer for you if you drive in a car every single day to have red light cameras on your street."

Financial Concerns

Addressing accusations of the program being a "money grab," Senator Gounardes pointed out that avoiding fines is simple: "The easy way for drivers not to pay? Don't run red lights."

Moving Forward

The approval to quadruple the number of red light cameras in New York City represents a bold and forward-thinking approach to traffic safety. As the city prepares to roll out this expanded network, it will be crucial to monitor its impact closely and address any emerging issues proactively.

Expected Benefits

The expected benefits of this expansion are substantial. Improved compliance with traffic signals, reduced accident rates, and enhanced safety for pedestrians and drivers alike are among the key outcomes anticipated from this initiative. Moreover, the data collected from these cameras will provide valuable insights into traffic patterns and violations, enabling more informed decision-making for future traffic management strategies.

Community Involvement

Engaging with the community will be essential to the success of this program. Transparent communication about the objectives and benefits of the red light camera expansion, as well as addressing any concerns promptly, will help build public trust and support for this initiative.


The decision by Albany lawmakers to quadruple the number of red light cameras in New York City is a significant stride towards safer streets and more responsible driving behavior. By leveraging technology to enforce traffic laws more effectively, the city is taking proactive steps to protect its residents and visitors. As this ambitious project unfolds, ongoing evaluation and community engagement will be key to ensuring its success and maximizing its positive impact on road safety.