
Hidden Cameras Found in Garden Grove Spark Community Concern

Garden Grove, CA – Residents of Garden Grove are on edge following the discovery of a hidden camera aimed at a home in their community. The incident has raised concerns about possible connections to burglary tourism, a phenomenon that has recently been making headlines.

What do hidden cameras look like?

The camera was found camouflaged in the bushes, making it difficult to spot. It's currently unclear how long the camera had been there or who placed it. The unsettling discovery has left many locals feeling anxious and concerned about their privacy.

Mary Beth McDade, reporting live from Garden Grove, highlighted the growing trend of hidden, camouflaged cameras being found in residential areas. This is not an isolated incident; similar cameras have been discovered elsewhere, including one found by the Lee County Sheriff's Department in a flower bed in Calabasas.

A local resident, Lisa, who preferred to keep her last name private, shared her experience. Her neighbor discovered the camera, initially mistaking it for trash. Upon closer inspection, they found a camera and a battery pack, both cleverly hidden. Lisa recounted how she became aware of similar incidents after watching a report about Glendale police arresting four men in possession of a similar setup.

The Glendale police reported that the four men arrested were Colombian nationals believed to be involved in burglary tourism. This term refers to foreign nationals who enter the U.S. on tourist visas with the intent to commit burglaries. These individuals often use different identities to avoid detection and eventually return to their home countries.

In response to these incidents, the LA County Sheriff's Department issued a special bulletin after finding a similar camera and battery pack in a Calabasas resident's flower bed. Authorities are warning residents about the activities of South American theft groups and advising regular property checks to ensure no hidden cameras are monitoring their homes.

Residents are urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious devices to the authorities immediately to protect their privacy and security. 

hidden camera

hidden cameras