
Railroad Crossing Signs: What Should You Do When You Encounter One?

Railroad crossings are critical points on the road where railways intersect with vehicle pathways. These crossings demand utmost caution and adherence to safety protocols to prevent accidents and protect lives. When you see a railroad crossing sign while driving, it is essential to know what actions to take to ensure your safety and that of others. We will discuss the necessary steps to follow when encountering a railroad crossing sign, helping you navigate these intersections responsibly and confidently.

1. Slow Down and Prepare to Stop

The moment you spot a railroad crossing sign, begin slowing down your vehicle. Reduce your speed to a level that allows you to stop promptly if necessary. Remember that trains can be deceptively fast, and even if one is not immediately visible, it may be approaching the crossing.

2. Check for Visual and Auditory Warnings

As you approach the railroad crossing, keep an eye out for any visual and auditory warnings. Look for flashing lights, lowered gates, or warning bells. If present, these signals indicate that a train is approaching, and you must come to a complete stop.

3. Come to a Complete Stop

If the crossing is equipped with flashing lights, gates, or warning bells, you must come to a full stop behind the designated "STOP" line. Do not cross the tracks until the warning signals cease, and the gates are fully raised.

4. Listen for Train Whistles

If you do not see any visual warnings at the railroad crossing, roll down your windows and listen carefully for train whistles or horns. Trains are required to sound their horns when approaching a crossing. If you hear a train approaching, follow the same procedure—come to a complete stop and wait for the train to pass safely.

5. Look Both Ways Twice

Even if you do not observe any visual or auditory warnings, do not assume the tracks are clear. Trains can approach from either direction. Always look both ways twice before proceeding, ensuring there are no trains coming from either direction.

6. Never Attempt to Outrace a Train

Under no circumstances should you attempt to outrun an approaching train. Trains have significantly longer stopping distances compared to vehicles, and trying to beat a train can have catastrophic consequences. Always prioritize safety over saving a few seconds of travel time.

7. Proceed with Caution

If there are no warnings and you have ensured that no trains are approaching, proceed over the railroad crossing with caution. Maintain a steady speed and avoid distractions while crossing the tracks.


Encountering a railroad crossing sign while driving demands vigilance and adherence to safety guidelines. Remember to slow down, check for visual and auditory warnings, and come to a complete stop if necessary. Listen for train whistles and look both ways before proceeding. Never attempt to outrun a train and always prioritize safety. By following these essential steps, you can navigate railroad crossings responsibly and help ensure the safety of yourself, your passengers, and other road users. Let us all contribute to safer roads by respecting railroad crossings and driving with care and caution.