
Unfairly Dismissed? What You Need to Know

You're fired

Being let go can be gut-wrenching. What’s even worse is losing your position for reasons that don’t make sense or simply aren’t fair. Unfair or wrongful termination of an employment contract refers to dismissal due to unethical reasons that violate policies or laws.

It’s important that you understand the reasons and terms surrounding losing your job, and if this isn’t the case for you, you should seek out legal advice and assistance as soon as possible. If you’ve been unfairly dismissed, an attorney can advise on separation agreements

What is Unfair Dismissal?

The general definition of unfair dismissal is simple, but if you feel that you have been unfairly dismissed you might want to research unfair dismissal in detail. This is, in fact, legal terminology and there are specific circumstances that are considered unfair dismissal or wrongful termination.

Some examples of wrongful termination usually involve employee discrimination. Being let go due to your race, gender or gender identity, age, religious views, sexual orientation, disabilities or political ideals are all unfair dismissal examples. Wrongful termination can also include fraud or breached contracts.

You Need to Be Educated

When you join the workforce, it’s important that you understand your rights as an employee. This includes understanding what constitutes an unfair dismissal (and what doesn’t), and how to handle it should the issue arise.

Educating yourself on your legal rights as an employee is a crucial first step. A good idea is to work with a labor attorney before signing your employment contract in order to be assisted in understanding each clause and have them help you read it over to assess it for any issues or discrepancies.

Being in touch with a reliable lawyer will help you to know, at all times, what your rights are and when they might be being violated in the workplace. 

What Can You Do About It?

If you feel you’ve been wrongfully terminated, you don’t have to simply accept it and move on. You can receive assistance from your labor lawyer to deal with the issue. Usually, in these cases, you as the employee can receive compensation for the unfair dismissal, typically in financial form.

You could receive compensation for a few months’ worth of pay, even up to one year, in order to assist you while you seek out a new job. 

What Steps Do You Need to Take?

Okay, but how do you handle it? First of all, you need to gather any evidence you can to help your case. This could include your existing employment contract and any written communication you might have with your employer that could support your case. 

This evidence will need to be presented to your attorney, who will help you start the legal process. If a case ensues, which is likely, be ready to assert your legal rights. Even if you feel intimidated or overwhelmed by the situation, do not back down from what you know is right and what you deserve.