
How Mobile Speed Cameras Are Catching Drivers Using Their Phones

cameras catching drivers using their phones while driving
When drivers first learned that they could no longer use their mobiles at the wheel, it would be fair to say there was something of an uproar. Many argued that they were no more distracted by their phone than eating, smoking, or having passengers in the car, yet the new law was introduced nonetheless.

In March of this year, there was further controversy when the penalty attached to it was doubled, and now it seems that the police are really starting to crack down. But how are they doing it? They can’t have eyes and ears everywhere, so instead they’re relying on mobile speed cameras to do the hard work for them…

How It Works

Mobile speed cameras are in use across the world. Capable of snapping a shot up to one kilometer away, they’re set up to record a number of driving offenses, not just the speed of passing cars. For those who are unaware of this, it can lead to something of a shock when the attached fine is posted through your door.

The cameras work by flagging up vehicles that may be exceeding the speed limit. Should they track your vehicle, they will record the offense to use as evidence in your prosecution. This means that if you’re on your phone or not wearing a seatbelt at the time, you’ll soon suffer the consequences.

Why Does It Matter? 

If you’re on the side of those who are outraged at the increased fine, you probably think that it’s entirely unfair to track motorists and punish them so severely, but there’s actually a really good reason behind the rule.

According to experts Go Safe, those who spend their time behind the wheel talking, texting, or downloading data onto their phone will be pretty distracted, whether or not they realize it. This means that reaction times are significantly slower should you need to respond to a hazard on the road, making you even more likely to cause an accident than a drunk driver.

By taking part in the worldwide campaign to reduce deaths and serious injuries as a result of driving offenses, it is thus hoped that law-abiding citizens can help to make the roads a safer place for us all. 

Do your part to help: slow your speed, get off your phone, and take a look at this handy blog post from AA Cars to see how you can reduce driving distractions.