
Red Light Camera Mobile Apps Compared

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Top Red Light Camera Mobile Apps & Reviews

There are several popular mobile apps available that provide information about red light cameras. However, please note that the availability and features of these apps may have changed since then, so it's a good idea to check the latest information and reviews on app stores before making a decision. Here are a few popular red light camera mobile apps at the time:

Waze: Waze is a widely used navigation app that also provides real-time traffic updates, including the location of red light cameras. It relies on user-generated data to alert drivers about red light cameras, speed cameras, and other potential hazards on the road. Waze is available for both iOS and Android.

TomTom Speed Cameras: TomTom is a well-known navigation company that offers a dedicated app called TomTom Speed Cameras. It provides alerts for various types of cameras, including red light cameras. The app includes features like speed limit warnings and traffic information as well. TomTom Speed Cameras is available for iOS and Android.

iRadar: iRadar is an app developed by Cobra Electronics, specializing in radar detection devices. The app provides information on red light cameras, speed cameras, and other potential traffic enforcement zones. iRadar also offers community-based features where users can report and verify camera locations. The app is available for iOS and Android.

RedZone Map: RedZone Map is an app that focuses on providing real-time information about various road hazards, including red light cameras. It uses a combination of user reports and data from other sources to alert drivers about potential camera locations. The app offers additional features such as crime data and road condition updates. RedZone Map is available for iOS and Android.

Escort Live Radar: Escort Live Radar is an app developed by Escort, a company known for its radar detection devices. The app provides alerts for red light cameras, speed cameras, and other enforcement areas. It also features community-based reporting where users can contribute and verify camera locations. Escort Live Radar is available for iOS and Android.

Please keep in mind that the accuracy and reliability of the camera data provided by these apps can vary, as they rely on user-generated content and other data sources. It's advisable to consult user reviews and check for recent updates to get the most up-to-date and accurate information before using any of these apps.

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