
Ticketbust Customer Testimonial assisted in dismissing this red light camera ticket for a client who wanted to know how Tickebust got his ticket dismissed and you may want to know too!

Red light camera tickets are best dismissed if attacked from a technical based standpoint; after all it is a machine that ticketed you not an officer. And there are certain rules and requirements that are necessary to be present (or need to have been followed) in order for the red light camera ticket to be successfully held up in court against you.

For example there are rules regarding the length of yellow lights at camera enforced intersection, rules regarding how or when the actual notice of a red light camera violation is mailed out to the suspect violator, rules regarding what type of warning must be given about the presence or installation of a red light camera at an intersection, and rules regarding the types of fee arrangements cities having red light camera enforced intersections within their limits may have with private companies that manufacture and maintain the red light cameras.

At they understand how these red light camera tickets work and we know the ins and outs to maximize your chances of getting out of a ticket like this. In this client’s case, prepared a customized Trial by Written Declaration that discussed the rules and requirements of red light cameras, pointed out errors on the prepared traffic ticket he received in the mail, and reasoned that based on the surrounding circumstances at the time he was photographed turning, he could not have posed a safety hazard to anyone. All in all, was able to help him successfully contest and dismiss his traffic ticket without him ever having to step foot into court.

Ticketbust has helped over 27, 000 drivers contest their traffic tickets and just like this valued client, we can help you too. The next time you get a traffic ticket in California go to our web site at or call us at 800-850-8038.