
Who is Explore Data Information Services?

Explore Data Information Services is an Altegrity company. Altegrity is a conglomeration of companies to help their customers reduce risk, maximize opportunities, and make better decisions by gathering, processing, and analyzing information; sharing our subject matter expertise, and providing our proven training techniques. Altegrity companies include:

USIS - provides solutions to protect national security, strengthen corporate safeguards, and empower decision-makers the world over.

Kroll - is a consulting firm helping clients reduce risks, solve problems, and capitalize on opportunities the world over with its broad range of investigative, intelligence, financial, security, due diligence, and technology services.

HireRight - helps implement, manage, and control employment screening programs for today's global employers.

Explore Information Services - Explore Information Services provides databases to a "trusted partner" to insurance companies and government entities. A provider of database insurance technologies and e-government applications. Explore Information Services licenses databases and scrapes public information available on the web to provide a database of solutions to Government Entities and the Insurance Industry. With "exception-based" reporting services for Property and Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Explore helps insurance companies mitigate risk and allows states to reduce fraud while improving public safety. Explore's e-Government Solutions serve the information needs of state government with customized database applications and integration services including Identification of Uninsured Motorists, Motor Fuel Tax-Tracking, and IRP/IFTA Commercial Vehicle Credentialing programs. Through identification, retrieval, and reporting of critical data, Explore's programs demonstrate noticeable process efficiencies while offering additional revenue streams to state governments. Learn more here

Explore Insurance Services Provided
E.A.R.S. ® - Violation Monitoring Service
Violation Predictor - MVR Decision Intelligence
RiskAlert ® - Youthful Driver Discovery Service
FireSafe ® - Fire Protection Information Service
FireSafe RiskScore - Fire Peril Modeled Score

Explore Government Solutions Provided
IRP/IFTA Motor Carrier Service Systems
Uninsured Motorist/ Vehicle Financial Responsibility Verification Programs
Motor Fuel e-Filing and Tracking Systems