
Apple May Buy TomTom TeleAtlas to Compete with Google Maps

Apple Needs TomTom's TeleAtlas Maps to Compete with Google Maps

The iPhone and iPad manufacturer Apple might buy the GPS navigation firm TomTom / TeleAtlas as it needs its mapping assets to compete with Google Maps. Analyst Ben Wood is out with some interesting predictions for 2011, including one that cash-rich Apple (AAPL) will by GPS firm TomTom. Wood, formerly at Gartner, is a top wireless industry analyst, and I’m not just saying that so he returns my calls. Better yet, you could expect a wave of useful location-based features to reach MobileMe, third-party apps, and, of course, Apple's iAds system. And, of course, such a purchase could assist Apple should it decide to take a stab at the auto-electronics market.